Thunder At Prayer Rock – Part 2

Bradley got up Monday morning at the usual 5:30 a.m. to get his day started. He let his pointer Jager out for a walk and to use the bathroom as Bradley sipped his cup of black coffee. He then woke the kids and got them up and ready for their school days while his wife,…

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Thunder At Prayer Rock

Deer season has come and gone. Bradley Carpenter had a typical season harvesting a couple of does and one nice 3.5-year-old 8-pointer, all on public land in north Georgia. It was a mild Saturday morning in the middle of February, and Bradley was out walking on Lake Russell WMA. He was there before daylight, listening…

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John’s First Deer

After my daughter got her second buck last year, it really motivated my son to want to hunt more. He had several chances to go before his sister got her second deer but turned down the chances. His chances to get a deer that season came down to the last weekend of the season. He…

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All About Timber Rattlesnakes

I was asked by several people to follow up the diamondback rattlesnake article from last year with one on timber rattlesnakes. Timber rattlesnakes have a much larger range in Georgia than diamondbacks. They can be found in the creek and river bottoms of southern Georgia where they are often called canebrakes, and along the rock-lined…

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Timber Stand Improvements

As with most things in life, when you ask a question you can get multiple answers that are promised to be the best way to go about getting things done. Each situation, location and even desired results can be different. This makes it so that there is more than one way to go about things,…

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Eastern Diamondbacks Fitted With GPS Units

According to a Gallup poll, 51% of the population has a fear of snakes. In Georgia, one of the largest venomous snakes is the eastern diamondback rattlesnake. It is known by the scientific name Crotalus adamanteus. The eastern diamondback is found below the Fall Line in Georgia in the Coastal Plain. Their range extends out…

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Timberdoodle Quest – Georgia Woodcock Hunting

In the Southeast, when a person mentions upland hunting, the bobwhite quail is usually the first, and sometimes only game bird that people think about. The late Charlie Elliott named the bobwhite the “prince of game birds.”  When you go into the Appalachians, the ruffed grouse enters into the conversation, but the lack of timber…

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From Acorn To Mighty Oak Tree

Would you like to learn a cost-effective way to create a food plot that will last more than a year? Have you ever sat in the deer stand and wondered what made the deer eat acorns from one tree and not another?  By collecting those preferred acorns, you can create a food source that will…

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The Benefits Of Timber Cutting

Often times over the years I have heard people talk negatively about having the timber cut on their hunting land. You hear things like, “I have to go pull all of my stands.” “There goes all the work in the food plots.” “Every deer on the place will be run off.”  Yes, you need to…

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