Cool Weather Trolling For Gator Seatrout

With the temperature on the field in Athens hovering in the mid 90s for a 5:30 GA vs SC nail-biter, it’s hard to imagine water cooling down, but it always does. By Georgia/Florida weekend the boat ramp parking lots up and down the coast will be as packed as the Gator Bowl RV City parking…

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Night On The Sand Flats Flounder Gigging

In August of 1975 a man named David Crews invited my father and I to join him on a flounder-gigging expedition to the sandbars of Harriet’s Bluff on the Crooked River in Camden County. It was the first time we had ever heard of such a thing, and for a 13-year-old, a terribly exciting proposition.…

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Hog Trapping 101

Wild hogs, feral pigs, wild boar, boar, porkers… pests, nuisance, exotic impostors! These critters have a growing repertoire of names and descriptions to match their rapidly expanding range. Wild hogs have become such a pestilence in some places that land managers are scrambling to find ways to keep up with their growing numbers. Hunters are…

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Calls And Scents To Make Wild Hogs Hunt You

About 25 years ago the hunting-accessories industry was still in its infancy, and in most parts of Georgia wild hogs were not a problem, or a pleasure, and were seldom if ever mentioned where hunters gathered. The flourishing deer populations had only recently rejuvenated the sport of big-game hunting in the state, and the only…

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